
“Renee doesn’t just listen with her ears, she listens with her heart” – Pychologist Dr Narelle Dawson- Wells 

“I could not think of a person that does so much for so many, Renee is one of those rare people that mean and do what they say” – Rick Flori 25 years Queensland Police Service

“Renee’s key message is the importance of being able to back yourself, it is not just something she says but something she literally shows you how to do step by step. She is a true leader, engaging coach, and wondefully authentic human being.  Nicole Gibson – Pride of Australia Medalist/Former Mental Health Commissioner

It has been incredible to have Renee teach myself and my team uplifting ways to connect with my patients, she has added light to my practice by skillfully reminding everyone the importance of empathy and connection, how to be consistent with that connection in ways that don’t result in burnout for me or my staff. -Dr Timothy Dunn


Extended References


It is with great pleasure that I am able to provide some insight into Renee Eaves. Over the last couple of years Renee has provided both me and my family with an exceptional level of support through very trying times. The exceptional part is that she asks for nothing, her willingness to support those in need whilst from time to time concurrently dealing with her own personal commitments demonstrates her depth of character. Renee is ever reliable with high moral and ethical standards. Her intuitive nature places her in a unique position when dealing with people from all walks of life. Renee is one of those very rare people that do and mean what they say.

Renee has supported me within complex legal matters involving intense negotiations and liaisons with both the courts and a number of government bodies. Not all her skills and knowledge have been gained through study but through her life experience. Renee has been a consummate professional in all of our dealings, she has the tenacity to remain focussed on the task at hand and yet as a broad thinker is not a woman who is easily blind sided.

I could not think of any other person that does so much for so many, and my life is the better for having Renee Eaves in it.

Rick Flori (Former 25 year Sgt of Qld Police)



Rick Flori – Renee Eaves

Kris Jahkne – Lawyer

Renee has an innate ability to understand the legal system and its principles, allowing her to support those that find themselves subjected to the stress of any court process. Society is a better place with Renee Eaves leading the way in Social Justice.


                                 Renee Eaves, Rick Flori, and  Kris Jahkne

Renee Eaves