Professional Debriefing for Lawyers – 90 minutes


Dealing with clients experiencing trauma or frustration with the legal process on a daily basis can have an enormous impact on the well being of lawyers and how they respond to not only their clients, but to the challenges faced in their own personal life.

It is so common for lawyers to suffer as a result of disengaging and disconnecting. What begins as a normal coping mechanism to avoid burnout, can quite easily manifest into disconnecting from friends and family in a desperate bid to unplug.

Not all lawyers have high quality relationships in the workplace, and there is often fear around being transparent about workplace stress as if it were some form of weakness that points to an inability to keep up or cope.

While lawyers appear to generally be resilient people, more than 90% score in the bottom half of resilience, and often actually engage in unhealthy habits and self sabotage in order to cope.

This session is designed to lift the heavy burden and allow lawyers to privately unpack, so that their career is not coming at a cost to their emotional and mental wellbeing. This debriefing session will provide a grounding force to nurture, support and bring the person back into alignment, so that they experience a stronger sense of balance and energetic stability.


Renee Eaves